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New user from Adelaide, Australia - RSP1a

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2018 2:34 am
by Nicholas
Greetings All.

I've now had the RSP1a for a couple of (intensive) days, running it with SDRUno.

A bit of a learning curve, but well worth the effort.

I was very pleased to get it working together with Dream in order to listen to a DRM broadcast (BBCWS in India betweem 8 & 9 UTC).

Being a Ham, I also use it for the Ham bands but actually spend most of the time scouting around the SW broadcast bands. Works wonderfully for this. FM broadcasts are of very good fidelity too.

Will venture into MW AM band next, though Australia is clogged full of these stations - only a couple of frequency slots are free to see what I will be able to pick up from further afield.

At some stage will also try DAB+, but these are local, so no rush :).
