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Request for clarification of s/w authorship

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2017 4:09 pm
by cybertheque
I am working with the msi001/msi2500 chipset on some legacy devices; in MS Windows I have used various versions of the API dll up to V1.97 with driver version I have not had much luck with dll V2.09 against existing applications and using driver often results in machine hangs.

Beginning with dll V2.10.1 embedded strings include "". Is mirics or sdrplay the author (or contracting responsible party) for this dll? For previous versions of the dll? I had assumed from historical information on the 'Net that mirics supplied the API.



Re: Request for clarification of s/w authorship

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2017 4:59 pm
by Tech_Support
The original API was developed by Mirics and supplied to SDRplay. SDRplay and Mirics entered into a license agreement that allowed SDRplay to modify and enhance the API. Please note that the API is not open source and still contains Mirics proprietary IP.


SDRplay Tech_Support

Re: Request for clarification of s/w authorship

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2017 10:00 am
by Tech_Support
I should also add that the APIs supplied for the RSP will almost certainly not work with non-RSP devices, even I they do use the Mirics chipset. That is because there are a range of auxiliary control functions in the RSP that will not necessarily be available with other devices.


SDRplay Tech_Support