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SDRplay & Windows Vista x64 SP2

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:29 pm
by GlenK
Hello All,

I am new to the world of SDR & SDRplay.

I am having a problem getting the Mirics FlexiTv, to load.

I have all updates installed in Vista (Service Pack 2). but the device driver keeps failing on install.

The hardware is working fine, as I got it to install on a Windows 10 machine.

Unfortunately I need it to work on the Vista machine.

The machine passed the Symantec SHA-2 / 256 check, I tried installing the patch, however it said it was not needed.

Any ideas?

Thank You!


Re: SDRplay & Windows Vista x64 SP2

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2015 12:42 am
by NN4F
Do you have UAC or driver signing turned OFF...

Paul - NN4F

Re: SDRplay & Windows Vista x64 SP2

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2015 7:24 pm
by GlenK
Thank you for the reply,

I finally turned off the driver signature requirement and got the api & driver to load.

However, the extio will no load it says it cant find the api.

I have it working with SDR Console, but would like to get HDSDR working.

Thank you!


Re: SDRplay & Windows Vista x64 SP2

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 11:34 pm
by sdrplay
Hi Glen,

We're looking for someone with Vista to test out a new release of the driver install with SHA-1 support.

If you are happy to be a beta tester, drop me a note to and I'll send it over to you. If you have disabled digital driver signing then I'm not sure you'll see the benefit if you are already up and running. However, let me know if you want to try it.

Best regards,

SDRplay Support