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New searchable Applications & Support Catalogue

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2018 11:03 am
by jon
Over the last year or two, we have generated a lot of applications material in the form of documents, articles and videos – these are designed to make it easy to get up and running with an SDR receiver from SDRplay. Our attempts to use the YouTube playlist system to catalogue videos proved difficult and navigating our website gets harder the more content we add. So we decided to create our own searchable catalogue to help people find what they need. This can be found by going to:

As well as the short descriptive title of each item in the catalgue, if you hover over the icon for either the video or the document, you will see a fuller description relating to it.

We will continue to add links to more and more useful content as it gets created. We’re hoping some of the non-English language distributors will be suggesting additional material under the category “non-English” which can also include links to their website for their own non-English language technical support.