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SDRplay + Mac + CubicSDR?

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 11:00 am
by FIN7
I just received my SDRplay and have problems to get it working on Mac. I've tested it with Windows and SDRuno, so the device is working as advertised, but no success with Mac.

What I have done so far:

- Installed API/Drivers from
- Installed CubicSDR from ... Darwin.dmg

CubicSDR starts find but does not find SDRplay. It is not listed in SDR Devices and I am not able to add it using manual option, as it is not listed there. Available devices in Manual config are SoapyRemote, airspy, audio, bladerf, hackrf, redpitaya, rfspace, rtlsdr, uhd.

Have I missed something?

My setup is Macbook Pro 13", Mid-2012, macOS Sierra 10.12

Thanks in advance!

Re: SDRplay + Mac + CubicSDR?

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 7:02 pm
by olli

I'm in the same situation, I got my SDRPlay yesterday and after getting it to work in my Windows machine, I wanted to get it working in my Macbook Air. I followed the instructions and installed the driver and then the recommended 0.2.0 version of CubicSDR, but no matter what I couldn't get CubicSDR to recognize my SDRPlay.

So I decided to build the whole thing from source, which finished just 30 minutes ago, and I got everything working. I followed these high level instructions:

Although atleast for me I did notice one problem with those. In the final section titled "Build CubicSDR", there is a command:

Code: Select all

cmake ../ -DwxWidgets_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE=/Users/(YOUR_USERNAME)/wxWidgets/wxWidgets-staticlib/bin/wx-config -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DBUNDLE_APP=1 -DCPACK_BINARY_DRAGNDROP=1
And when running that I noticed that even after substituting my username to the command, the path for wxWidgets wasn't right and cmake complained about not finding it. Your results might vary, but stay on the lookout for that. For me the correct file ("wx-config") was under a folder called "wxWidgets-build" under the ~/Dev folder which was made during a previous step.

Used up most of my day figuring this thing out, but I'm so glad that I can now go signal hunting outside with SDRPlay.

Re: SDRplay + Mac + CubicSDR?

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 10:13 am
by FIN7
Thanks for the tip! I managed to build the CubicSDR and now it is working!

I followed the recipe in but had to make few adjustments because of macOS Sierra. First, when building wxWidgets, you have to use --disable-mediactrl parameter, otherwise wxWidgets does not compile. So use

Code: Select all

./configure --with-opengl --disable-shared --enable-monolithic --with-libjpeg --with-libtiff --with-libpng --with-zlib --with-mac --disable-sdltest --enable-unicode --enable-display --enable-propgrid --disable-webkit --disable-webview --disable-webviewwebkit --with-macosx-version-min=10.9 --prefix=/Users/(YOUR_USERNAME)/Dev/wxWidgets-build CXXFLAGS="-std=c++0x" --with-libiconv=/usr --disable-mediactrl
The other thing was that I had to use "sudo cpack" to compile CubicSDR. It gave some warnings but in the end of the day there was a CubicSDR-0.2.0-Darwin.dmg which can be used to install working CubicSDR for macOS Sierra!