Antennas for SDRPlay with good compromise

Useful information regarding antennas for SDR products.
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Antennas for SDRPlay with good compromise

Post by Quimquim » Tue Apr 28, 2015 10:49 am

Hi all,
this is my actual SDRPLay setup.

I can't install antenna outside so this is my actual selection with pretty good results.

A PA0RDT miniwhip antenna feed by RG59 coax and a Diamond D130J discone antenna feed by LMR400 coax.

Both antennas are in my house attic.

Both antennas pass by an antenna switch for quick selection.

The SDRPlay module is connected to my Asus G75VW Laptop.

All the grounding of the system come from the electrical outlet and is common with DC negative of the power supply and the antennas coax shield.

Up to now it work fine and not too noisy.

I receive LW aeronotic beacon from over 200km away.

Have decoded NOAA weather satellite image.

Receive many ham communications, lots of AM/SW stations, couple of LW stations, many UHF service communication, Canadian and US VHF weather forecast stations and many other things.

Still a lot of band to explore. Up to now i'm quite satisfied with my setup.

In future an other option would be to replace the PA0RDT or add a trapped or fanned dipole. But with only 12 meter space it's quite thight and I think it would limit the reception below 30m.

For remote usage, I connect to my Asus Laptop with another laptop via TEAMVIEWER. This way I can use my SDRPlay RSP for anywhere in the house or the world.....!!! ( with good internet connection ) :idea:
Actual SDRPlay Radio Setup.jpg
Actual SDRPlay Radio Setup.jpg (59.34 KiB) Viewed 27731 times
Note: I'm joining a picture of my actual setup. It's the first time I put an attachement with a message. Hope it will display correctly. :roll:
Last edited by Quimquim on Thu Jan 01, 1970 12:00 am, edited 0 times in total.
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Stay tuned !!!! :mrgreen:

Quimquim :P

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Re: Antennas for SDRPlay with good compromise

Post by TyTanYGraig » Tue Apr 28, 2015 11:55 am

Hi Quimquim,
Very neat setup. Thanks a lot for sharing :)

All the best

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Re: Antennas for SDRPlay with good compromise

Post by wc4sky » Tue Jul 19, 2016 12:35 pm

Good Morning,
May I trouble you to inform me of the software/version, Windows Version, you are using?
Thank You,
Jim Grossman
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Re: Antennas for SDRPlay with good compromise

Post by DonHoot » Thu Jul 28, 2016 11:10 pm

Hi, nice post about the antenna setup I am stuck with outdoor antenna restrictions because of a condo agreement. I use Splashtop for remote use and it works great, haven't tried Teamview. Is Teamview free? Splashtop is free just an FYI.
Last edited by DonHoot on Thu Jan 01, 1970 12:00 am, edited 0 times in total.
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