Search found 980 matches
- Fri Sep 20, 2019 12:02 pm
- Forum: SDRplay News
- Topic: Reasons for suspension of the official SDRplay Community Forum
- Replies: 0
- Views: 232723
Reasons for suspension of the official SDRplay Community Forum
The administration of an official SDRplay Community forum always represented a significant commitment in terms of time and resource, but was something that as a company we were happy to do as a service to our growing customer base. As the company's user base has grown, one unfortunate side effect of...
- Fri Sep 13, 2019 10:26 am
- Forum: SDRplay related
- Topic: Missing ADS-B web server directory in the RPi image v0.6
- Replies: 0
- Views: 114424
Missing ADS-B web server directory in the RPi image v0.6
For anyone wanting to use the ADS-B webserver on the RPi image, there is a missing directory in the 0.6 version of the image. We will make sure this is included in the next version, but for those wanting to fix this when using the 0.6 image, you can do the following... Open a terminal window and typ...
- Mon Sep 09, 2019 11:56 am
- Forum: SDRplay related
- Topic: Problems Installing SDRplay/RSPTCPServer - Rasp Pi
- Replies: 6
- Views: 88418
Re: Problems Installing SDRplay/RSPTCPServer - Rasp Pi
For remote access you need the ExtIO_RSP_TCP dll - you can download that from our downloads page ( When SDRuno main window appears, press H and the TCP ExtIO panel will appear. Make sure to uncheck the two checkboxes just beneath where you put the IP address otherwi...
- Mon Sep 02, 2019 10:51 pm
- Forum: SDRplay related
- Topic: cubicsdr on Linux doesn't see the RSP
- Replies: 6
- Views: 90693
Re: cubicsdr on Linux doesn't see the RSP
Take a look at this video - it might help you...
Best regards,
Best regards,
- Sun Sep 01, 2019 1:37 pm
- Forum: SDRuno
- Topic: 10 MHz Bandwidth Question
- Replies: 8
- Views: 248219
Re: 10 MHz Bandwidth Question
The 10 MHz range is the LO frequency - 5 MHz to the LO frequency + 5 MHz
The LO frequency is ALWAYS at the centre of the spectrum.
Best regards,
SDRplay Support
The LO frequency is ALWAYS at the centre of the spectrum.
Best regards,
SDRplay Support
- Sat Aug 31, 2019 8:30 pm
- Forum: General
- Topic: You must enter at least two poll options.
- Replies: 7
- Views: 100612
Re: You must enter at least two poll options.
I guess it's possible for the problem to appear if you try to edit an old post (prior to the forum software update), but all new posts shouldn't have the problem.
Best regards,
SDRplay Support
Best regards,
SDRplay Support
- Sat Aug 24, 2019 2:11 pm
- Forum: SDRplay related
- Topic: rsp_tcp - access to all features ?
- Replies: 3
- Views: 66290
Re: rsp_tcp - access to all features ?
The RSP1A does have broadcast (FM/MW) notch filters and a DAB notch filter. All are hardware filters enabled in software.
Best regards
SDRplay Support
Best regards
SDRplay Support
- Thu Aug 22, 2019 11:16 pm
- Forum: Spectrum Analysis
- Topic: Feedback for version 1.0b here
- Replies: 34
- Views: 378306
Re: Feedback for version 1.0b here
Maybe if some other Windows 7 users could report how it's working, it might give Steve some clues as to whether there is something to look at there or not.
Sorry it's not working for you.
Best regards,
Sorry it's not working for you.
Best regards,
- Thu Aug 22, 2019 8:31 pm
- Forum: SDRuno
- Topic: Initialization problem?
- Replies: 7
- Views: 104324
Re: Initialization problem?
Something doesn't look right there, you have sample rates that look like band buttons have been used, but none are depressed. Can you explain the steps you took to get to the position where the audio wasn't right and then when it was?
Best regards,
SDRplay Support
Best regards,
SDRplay Support
- Thu Aug 22, 2019 5:32 pm
- Forum: Spectrum Analysis
- Topic: Feedback for version 1.0b here
- Replies: 34
- Views: 378306
Re: Feedback for version 1.0b here
What would be much better would be a control such as that in SDRuno, SDRSharp, etc....i.e. each digit highlighted with a small line above or below the digit, and using the mousewheel and up/dn arrows to change value with automatic rollover. Err... The control already works as you have suggested. Ch...