Search found 142 matches
- Fri Aug 02, 2019 12:21 pm
- Forum: SDRplay related
- Topic: SDR Related road map - comments
- Replies: 0
- Views: 113279
SDR Related road map - comments
Could the SDRPlay team see their way to add the following functionality to the RDS features. Maybe add to the road map in time for the 2020 Es season. 1. A logfile of date+time, frequency, PI code, PS - at minimum. This would give fully unattended monitoring for FM-DXing using the scanner. The file ...
- Thu Apr 18, 2019 9:50 pm
- Forum: SDRplay related
- Topic: FOR FM DX Which modell RSP
- Replies: 4
- Views: 23272
Re: FOR FM DX Which modell RSP
One point in favour of the RSP1A is that at 6MHz sample rate and below the ADC is 14 bits which gives an extra 12 dB of dynamic range compared to the 12 bits of of the RSP2/RSP2 DUO. This should reduce the likelihood of signal overload.
- Thu Apr 18, 2019 11:11 am
- Forum: SDRuno
- Topic: Scanner and RDS decoder
- Replies: 1
- Views: 15463
Scanner and RDS decoder
It is a great step forward to have a 'proper' scanner integrated in with SDRUno. I've tried it on airband, just to see how it worked, and on FM - which is my main area of interest. The video tutorial is a very helpful complement to the manual, but a point to note is the manual doesn't appear to ment...
- Wed Apr 17, 2019 10:59 pm
- Forum: SDRuno
- Topic: How Do I Display More Spectrum?
- Replies: 9
- Views: 44206
Re: How Do I Display More Spectrum?
You need to be aware of two things regarding the 'full 10 MHz'. 1. The ADC is only running 8-bit resolution. This is going to degrade weak signal quality compared to the 12-bit resolution at 8 MHz. 2. The usable bandwidth (at any sample rate) is 10% less - so you will get around 9 MHz bandwidth at 1...
- Wed Apr 17, 2019 7:51 pm
- Forum: General
- Topic: Weird bug in this bulletin board
- Replies: 0
- Views: 13702
Weird bug in this bulletin board
Here is something really annoying - hope it can be fixed. I log onto the bulletin board, read some stuff. Decide to post something - when I hit send - I get a message "you must be logged on to post to this forum. I use back arrow - my post is lost. I back arrow on the board Index page - which shows ...
- Thu Jul 05, 2018 2:37 pm
- Forum: SDR Antennas
- Topic: magnetic loop and pre-amp?
- Replies: 5
- Views: 31501
Re: magnetic loop and pre-amp?
Hi Tory, See my post in this forum regarding my shielded magnetic loop. Here's a link to the original construction article by PA0FRI: article. It is untuned - and feeds an original SDRPlay RSP (not a 1...
- Sat Jun 02, 2018 3:45 pm
- Forum: SDR Antennas
- Topic: Home built Shielded magnetic loop for LW to HF
- Replies: 0
- Views: 13152
Home built Shielded magnetic loop for LW to HF
With zero VHF activity up until early May I decided to attempt making a magnetic loop antenna for MW-HF. The one that appeared to be most likely to work was a shielded magnetic loop. A design published by PA0FRI was the starting point and it used a standard MMIC chip which happens to be available as...
- Sat Apr 21, 2018 8:16 pm
- Forum: SDR Antennas
- Topic: Using a Wellbrook ALA1530LN on an RSP2
- Replies: 4
- Views: 26938
Re: Using a Wellbrook ALA1530LN on an RSP2
Paul - the two diagrams in you last attachment are for different RSPs. The left hand one is for an RSP/RSP1, the right hand one is for the RSP2. There are no filters on the HiZ input - check out the document "Optimizing RSP1A performance below 60 MHz" on the SDRPlay web-site See the parargaph at the...
- Tue Feb 20, 2018 11:41 pm
- Forum: SDRplay related
- Topic: SDRPlay RSP1 & SDR#?
- Replies: 11
- Views: 59907
Re: SDRPlay RSP1 & SDR#?
Maybe be, we could have cross exchanges between SDRPLAY team and SDRsharp team to integrate airspy in sdruno and sdrplay in sdrsharp That is very unlikely to happen. Would you expect Apply to write software to allow Android users to access iPad programs? and provide it for free! One of the problems...
- Sun Feb 18, 2018 8:23 pm
- Forum: SDRplay related
- Topic: SDRPlay RSP1 & SDR#?
- Replies: 11
- Views: 59907
Re: SDRPlay RSP1 & SDR#?
I absolutely rely on SDR# 1361 to run SDRPlay RSP. I've used it since it was released - and thank goodness I always installed new builds into a new folder as after that SDR# doesn't support SDRPlay. The entire folder is backed up in various places! My niche hobby is FM DX and I need to be able to de...