Majorly disappointed so far...

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Majorly disappointed so far...

Post by Mister_Kitty » Thu Jun 01, 2017 5:57 am

I've gone through re-installations of all the software SDRPlay, HDSDR, Console and, of course SDRuno, i've connected, disconnected, re-routed, re-mounted, re-located and re-wired five different antennas with virtually no improvement in reception on any band with either of the aforementioned programs on a 'substantial' Windows 7 mochine.

SDRPlay RSP2, purchased new 4 weeks ago. I had hoped to make this a step up between RTL-SDRs to HF HAM, as I have used the RTLs to step from 50 years away from radio (USN 64-67) to a Baofeng HT to a Yaesu FTM-400xdr.

Here's the issue though and, granted, I'm very aware this SDR Play 'package' is far more complex than I had expected so having some 'issues getting started' becomes an understatement. That said though, using all the same aforementioned combinations of antennas (except in HF) in SDR#, I have no problem receiving local AM/FM broadcast, 2m and 70cm, NOAA WX, SATS and a bunch of others with all three of the different RTL-SDR dongles I have but, not with the SDR Play associated hardware and software.

At best I can get some extremely weak signals with the RSP. So, being the old fart that I am, I could easily just say the SDR Play unit I got is 'obviously doa' but I would hope that I'd be wrong. I've watched dozens of SDR youtube videos, followed everything I could follow and everything I could read and still don't get nothing that justifies the cost of this unit. And seven out of every eleven 'new users' are giving glowing reports, but I'm getting nothing like that to boast about.

So, I wonder if one could attack this from a different angle, instead of saying push this, squeeze that, put your finger in a light socket in these videos would it be feasible to ask that some experienced people could put together some 'set-up' sheets for each of the different bands and modes that are KNOWN WORKING settings. Each and every specific setting that needs to be properly aligned to get a certain result that will/does work so long as you're antennas are properly set-up and you're in reasonable range(s) where a person might normally find those varying signals.

If I had a list of exacting setups for a few of the bands I would at least be able to ascertain that my specific unit is functioning properly.

I'm on the outer edges of Seattle, with hundreds of repeaters, broadcasters, businesses, governments and HAM operators where there is no doubt I should be receiving signals (i can in many instances with the RTL-SDRs)

I'd welcome any valid answers from this community that will help me determine with relative certainty that mine is working properly.
Tom outside of Seattle.
Last edited by Mister_Kitty on Thu Jan 01, 1970 12:00 am, edited 0 times in total.
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Re: Majorly disappointed so far...

Post by Tech_Support » Thu Jun 01, 2017 6:50 am

Hello Tom,
If you continue to struggle to get decent performance, please consider opening a support ticket via:

and we will try to help resolve your problems.


SDRplay Tech_Support

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Re: Majorly disappointed so far...

Post by octave9 » Thu Jun 01, 2017 9:48 pm

If you've still got those transceivers - you could run low power into a dummy load and compare results on your SDRs. I would expect SDRUno to easily show a local signal that strong without any antenna connected (but try some wet string as well if it doesn't) and it would be obvious on the waterfall/panadapter display. So all you'd need to do would be to set the frequency the same as the transceiver.

Without any antenna connected I can see the RSP2's internal clock at 24MHz (and 48 and 96). All you need do is set one of those frequencies (or say 24.001MHz LSB mode to hear a 1kHz tone) and you should see the spike if you get the waterfall set appropriately. It's about -31dB on mine (in GQRX).

Also - if you watch the waterfall, at any frequency, with no antenna connected, and then just touch the centre pin of the antenna connector you're switched to with a pin - you should see large changes everywhere.

If none of that works then it has to be a dead unit.

Hoping it helps.

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Re: Majorly disappointed so far...

Post by octave9 » Fri Jun 02, 2017 2:33 am

I dual boot Linux Mint and Windows 7 on this PC and the Windows installation didn't have SDRUno, or RSP drivers installed. A quick download and install and then it starts with default settings. With no antenna connected, having simply clicked the SP1 and Play buttons in the MAIN window, the waterfall and pan shows up with 3.5MHz at centre. Hover over where the tens of MHz would be indicated (one left of the 3) and scroll there to get 23.5MHz and you should see the internal oscillator at 24MHz.

If you then touch the centre pin with a pin (or small screwdriver while you're touching the metal) you should see lines across the waterfall as below, where I was purposely not making a good connection.

It's an easy test and doesn't need an antenna, or any complicated settings, but should prove if it's being a radio, or not...
24MHz-test_half-size.jpg (92.95 KiB) Viewed 18842 times
Would have looked better at full size, but it was too big at 271,801 bytes :roll:

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Re: Majorly disappointed so far...

Post by Beginner » Fri Nov 10, 2017 5:00 am

Is there an exacting set of instructions for simply getting started, as in listening to SSB as I live on a boat.
Last edited by Beginner on Thu Jan 01, 1970 12:00 am, edited 0 times in total.
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