SDRuno freq control with WSJT-X WSPR????
SDRuno freq control with WSJT-X WSPR????
Has anyone figured out how to control SDRuno using WSPR band hopping?
I have manual single band WSPR working using 60 ft wire and a 9:1 unun and it's pretty cool.
I'd like to add band hopping but can't get WSJT-X to control SDRuno's frequency.
I've tried Omni-rig and CAT+virtual com ports but haven't been successful. Am I wasting my time?
I'm willing to diagnose further but I sense from the searching I've done that this may not be doable.
So do I need to switch to HDSDR or SDR-console? Or another control program? Would rather not
but will if necessary.
For Omni-rig: Uno says it's connected but WSPR using Omni-rig selection fails to change freq.
For CAT: Using com0com Uno connects fine but WSPR using a virtual port fails. I was able to
monitor WSPR sending an initial "IF" command and I could see a response from Uno but nothing
Using SDRuno v1.13 and WSJT-X 1.7.0
I have manual single band WSPR working using 60 ft wire and a 9:1 unun and it's pretty cool.
I'd like to add band hopping but can't get WSJT-X to control SDRuno's frequency.
I've tried Omni-rig and CAT+virtual com ports but haven't been successful. Am I wasting my time?
I'm willing to diagnose further but I sense from the searching I've done that this may not be doable.
So do I need to switch to HDSDR or SDR-console? Or another control program? Would rather not
but will if necessary.
For Omni-rig: Uno says it's connected but WSPR using Omni-rig selection fails to change freq.
For CAT: Using com0com Uno connects fine but WSPR using a virtual port fails. I was able to
monitor WSPR sending an initial "IF" command and I could see a response from Uno but nothing
Using SDRuno v1.13 and WSJT-X 1.7.0
Last edited by orpete on Thu Jan 01, 1970 12:00 am, edited 0 times in total.
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Reason: No reason
Re: SDRuno freq control with WSJT-X WSPR????
You will need to set up WJTJ-X as a Kenwood ts480s. SDRuno emulates this rig via CAT control.
Reason: No reason
Re: SDRuno freq control with WSJT-X WSPR????
Yes I did try both ts-480 and ts-440 with no success, but there were no "s" models listed.
Has anybody tried WSJT digital modes with SDRuno?
Any recomendations? It looks like sdr-console or hdsdr.
Has anybody tried WSJT digital modes with SDRuno?
Any recomendations? It looks like sdr-console or hdsdr.
Last edited by orpete on Thu Jan 01, 1970 12:00 am, edited 0 times in total.
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Reason: No reason
Re: SDRuno freq control with WSJT-X WSPR????
I have it running here.
Setup CAT control in SDRuno (not OmniRig) and use a paired serial port in VSPE (or similar) - SDRuno will respond to Kenwood TS-480 commands. There is a bug with the current version of SDRuno in that I saw a 55Hz offset in the frequency between what WSJT requested to what SDRuno sets. This has been fixed in the 1.2 release which will be out shortly.
You can still use the existing version to prove the flow though.
Best regards,
SDRplay Support
Setup CAT control in SDRuno (not OmniRig) and use a paired serial port in VSPE (or similar) - SDRuno will respond to Kenwood TS-480 commands. There is a bug with the current version of SDRuno in that I saw a 55Hz offset in the frequency between what WSJT requested to what SDRuno sets. This has been fixed in the 1.2 release which will be out shortly.
You can still use the existing version to prove the flow though.
Best regards,
SDRplay Support
Reason: No reason
Re: SDRuno freq control with WSJT-X WSPR????
I've also got SDRuno frequency being CAT controlled by WSPR and WSJT-X software -- but with a
time-out/retry issue when using WSJT-X.
When using WSPR software it controls SDRuno perfectly. I couldn't get omni-rig to work at all.
Both are setup like you suggested and I'm using com0com for serial port pairing.
The setup below does accomplish frequency change but slowly with manual intervention.
After a WSJT-X band change I usually see SDRuno freq change very quickly but WSJT-X does
not reflect a change for ~5 seconds (and they are correct freq) and then about 5 sec further I get this error message
from WSJT-X:
Hamlib error: Command rejected by the rig while setting frequency
If I press retry I usually see the frequency change very quickly to the correct value +55HZ.
So there is successful communication but not automatic and very slow. And this doesn't
tell me where the problem is but I am not familiar with CAT protocol.
Hope this helps, I think I will send this to the WSJT people.
WSJT-X=v1.80rc3 SDRuno=v1.13 WSPR=v2.12
FYI -- WSPR is the original standalone propogation program
and WSJT-X is a multi capability program that implements many digital modes of which WSPR is one.
The advantage of WSJT-X is that it provided automatic band hopping and WSPR does not.
Here's how I setup the configuration for CAT control:
Used com0com to setup a virtual comm port pair: COM8, COM9.
SDRuno: RX Settings/CAT tab
Com Device = COM8
Baud = 9600
Enable & Connect = checked
Should see: Staus = Connected
SDRuno: RX Control Window/RSYN1 box = no
WSJT-X: File/Settings/Radio tab
Rig: Kenwood ts-480 (or ts-440)
Serial Port = COM9
Press Test Cat: turns green
WSJT-X: Main window/Mode=WSPR
time-out/retry issue when using WSJT-X.
When using WSPR software it controls SDRuno perfectly. I couldn't get omni-rig to work at all.
Both are setup like you suggested and I'm using com0com for serial port pairing.
The setup below does accomplish frequency change but slowly with manual intervention.
After a WSJT-X band change I usually see SDRuno freq change very quickly but WSJT-X does
not reflect a change for ~5 seconds (and they are correct freq) and then about 5 sec further I get this error message
from WSJT-X:
Hamlib error: Command rejected by the rig while setting frequency
If I press retry I usually see the frequency change very quickly to the correct value +55HZ.
So there is successful communication but not automatic and very slow. And this doesn't
tell me where the problem is but I am not familiar with CAT protocol.
Hope this helps, I think I will send this to the WSJT people.
WSJT-X=v1.80rc3 SDRuno=v1.13 WSPR=v2.12
FYI -- WSPR is the original standalone propogation program
and WSJT-X is a multi capability program that implements many digital modes of which WSPR is one.
The advantage of WSJT-X is that it provided automatic band hopping and WSPR does not.
Here's how I setup the configuration for CAT control:
Used com0com to setup a virtual comm port pair: COM8, COM9.
SDRuno: RX Settings/CAT tab
Com Device = COM8
Baud = 9600
Enable & Connect = checked
Should see: Staus = Connected
SDRuno: RX Control Window/RSYN1 box = no
WSJT-X: File/Settings/Radio tab
Rig: Kenwood ts-480 (or ts-440)
Serial Port = COM9
Press Test Cat: turns green
WSJT-X: Main window/Mode=WSPR
Last edited by orpete on Thu Jan 01, 1970 12:00 am, edited 0 times in total.
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Reason: No reason
Re: SDRuno freq control with WSJT-X WSPR????
Seems to be related with SDRUno. Here WSJT-X (1.70) even crashes shortly after setting a band.
I tried the same wit PowerSDR mRX: This works. All frequencies correct, no crash, no 55 Hz issue.
It's not related to com0com, I used VSPM (K5FR).
I did not investigate further, but it seems to me there is a sort of loopback involved which causes both applications to correct each other permanently until one of them (WSJT-X ?) is overloaded.
73, Heinrich
I tried the same wit PowerSDR mRX: This works. All frequencies correct, no crash, no 55 Hz issue.
It's not related to com0com, I used VSPM (K5FR).
I did not investigate further, but it seems to me there is a sort of loopback involved which causes both applications to correct each other permanently until one of them (WSJT-X ?) is overloaded.
73, Heinrich
Reason: No reason
Re: SDRuno freq control with WSJT-X WSPR????
Much success!
Coincidentally both SDRplay and WSJT-x posted updated software recently and this combo solved the above problems.
- I can now tune SDRplay with WSJT-X reliably and rapidly using CAT via ts-480 and com0com.
- There is no 55Hz offset issue.
- The combination of these 2 programs would crash after few minutes or an hour or so. With these error messages:
wsjt-x: Stop too many FFTW plans requested
sdruno: Error when requeing output buffers
I had to close sdruno with task manager
- WSPR always ran its CAT fine, but it crashed in the same manner as wsjt-x.
This has been running for ~24 hrs without a crash. Next is band-hopping and I have yet to try omni-rig.
WSJT-X=v1.80.0 SDRuno=v1.2 WSPR=v2.12
Win 10 i5 2.2 MHz
I also have a laptop that is Core2 duo at 2.2GHz. I'll let this run for a day. I found it crashed often. To help out this old-timer I've found that if I minimize the main and rx-ctl windows and close all the other sdruno windows and leave only WSJT-X main window open I can get CPU utilization in task mgr down to about 50%. When a decode comes along it get nearly pegged for a few seconds. This unloads the screen drawing work.
Here are the unique stations I received over the 24 hour run with a 60 ft wire to a tree 15ft high and 9:1 balun: ... 7.jpg?dl=0
What fun!
Coincidentally both SDRplay and WSJT-x posted updated software recently and this combo solved the above problems.
- I can now tune SDRplay with WSJT-X reliably and rapidly using CAT via ts-480 and com0com.
- There is no 55Hz offset issue.
- The combination of these 2 programs would crash after few minutes or an hour or so. With these error messages:
wsjt-x: Stop too many FFTW plans requested
sdruno: Error when requeing output buffers
I had to close sdruno with task manager
- WSPR always ran its CAT fine, but it crashed in the same manner as wsjt-x.
This has been running for ~24 hrs without a crash. Next is band-hopping and I have yet to try omni-rig.
WSJT-X=v1.80.0 SDRuno=v1.2 WSPR=v2.12
Win 10 i5 2.2 MHz
I also have a laptop that is Core2 duo at 2.2GHz. I'll let this run for a day. I found it crashed often. To help out this old-timer I've found that if I minimize the main and rx-ctl windows and close all the other sdruno windows and leave only WSJT-X main window open I can get CPU utilization in task mgr down to about 50%. When a decode comes along it get nearly pegged for a few seconds. This unloads the screen drawing work.
Here are the unique stations I received over the 24 hour run with a 60 ft wire to a tree 15ft high and 9:1 balun: ... 7.jpg?dl=0
What fun!
Last edited by orpete on Thu Jan 01, 1970 12:00 am, edited 0 times in total.
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Reason: No reason
Re: SDRuno freq control with WSJT-X WSPR????
Reason: No reason
Re: SDRuno freq control with WSJT-X WSPR????
Thanks so much for the walk through everyone - I got my RSPDuo controlled by WSJT-X in minutes after reading these posts!
Using Virtual Serial Port driver 9.0
Using Virtual Serial Port driver 9.0
Last edited by PeteSDR on Thu Jan 01, 1970 12:00 am, edited 0 times in total.
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Reason: No reason