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After installing the API, use this command to make sure the RSP can be seen by the system and afterwards make sure the RSP is disconnected and reconnected.

sudo service udev restart

Here’s the code you need to build a local install of gr-osmosdr on ARM 64-bit – the reason why this is a local build is to not interfere with any gr-osmosdr installs that may have been installed with other applications such as Gnu Radio

Note 1: this code assumes that you have a Dev directory in your home account and will remove any existing gr-osmosdr directory you may have within it. If you do not have a Dev directory, create one using mkdir ~/Dev
Note 2: You will also need to create a directory for the gr-osmosdr library to be installed in. In this example, ~/gr-osmosdr will be used. It will need to be created if it doesn’t already exist using mkdir ~/gr-osmosdr
Note 3: The cmake statement is to make the library support just the SDRplay RSPs. You can remove the relevant -DENABLE_ statement to include support for other hardware (note this guide does not show how to build those other libraries, you will need that info from elsewhere)

cd ~/Dev
sudo rm -rf gr-osmosdr
git clone https://github.com/SDRplay/gr-osmosdr.git
cd gr-osmosdr
git checkout sdrplay2
mkdir build
cd build
make install
sudo ldconfig

To use this within an application use…
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/gr-osmosdr/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH PYTHONPATH=~/gr-osmosdr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages:$PYTHONPATH GRC_BLOCKS_PATH=~/gr-osmosdr/share/gnuradio/grc/blocks:$GRC_BLOCKS_PATH [application]

To use this with Gnu Radio, insert gnuradio-companion into where it says [application]

If you have any problems at this point, please raise a ticket here and we will help you further.

Everything is ok – Where next?

Gnu Radio

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