Summer greetings (to all in the northern hemisphere)  – apologies for the slow news flow the last few weeks – due to a slow down on the marketing front with yours truly distracted by some family issues and  vacation time but be assured work is continuing on the software front and we hope to have the next release of SDRconnect out very soon.

I was recently in France and had great fun accessing my home-based Raspberry Pi4 and RSPdx-R2  – I found I could use it for a much better receive signal than I could achieve with a relatively poor temporary antenna in the Dordogne.  I actually had a couple of QSOs around Europe where my transmit signal was getting out on 20m yet my local ICOM 718 was unable to pull them from the noise. But the RSPdx-R2 in the UK was giving superb reception – obviously this is a mixture or propagation quirks as well as having remote access to a much better set-up.  But it does add a new dimension to operating away from the home QTH.

New video added (August 19th):

For more on using SDRconnect remotely with a choice of server hardware, see the videos on: