We have now clocked up nearly 100 reviews of the  RSP1/RSP1A on eHam reviews with an average score of 4.6 stars (out of 5),  Many thanks to everyone who has rated us on there.  You can read these reviews by going to: https://www.eham.net/reviews/view-product?id=12358

The RSPdx also scores 4.6 and the RSPduo scores 4.8

Reviews tend to tell you “warts and all” where we are good and where we fall short of expectations.   We take all feedback seriously and appreciate our customers for their honesty and enthusiasm.

A very complimentary video was posted today which describes how the RSPdx compares with another popular alternative which has many complementary strengths.  There is room for all in this wonderful world of SDR reception  🙂  :