People are asking us for advice on where they should turn for help tapping into their IF in order to use an SDR as a panadapter.  Here in the UK, ML&S provide help by undertaking the work themselves, but for those who would like to make their own modifications, Dave, KD2C, is now providing suitable buffer/amp boards and is very happy to provide them and support people making their own modifications.

His Hi-z IF Tap Panadaptor Buffer/Amp will allow you to tap the IF in just about any receiver or transceiver with no degradation to the receivers IF signal path. The boards small footprint allows for easy installation (1 x 1 5/8).

Each board incorporates a low pass filter designed specifically for your rig’s IF frequency. The output can be routed to the RSP1 or RSP2 to create a panadapter

Each assembled board is made to order based on your specific rigs IF requirements.

The cost is $25 per board plus shipping.

A Connection Kit is available for $7, this includes:
15 in. – RG 178 Output Cable
15 in. – Red & Black 26 AWG Power Connection Wires
7 in. – 30 AWG IF Tap Wire.
1 – SMA, BNC or RCA Female Panel Connector (Please specify when ordering)
1 – 1×2 Strip of Double Sided 3M Foam Tape

Shipping: $3 for US $10 for Canada & Mexico $14 for All Other Countries

You can contact Dave via email on ( he is happy to support customers worldwide)

Above: a screen shot of KD2C’s Kenwood R5000 on field day using the PAT60M5 board