Win4Yaesu Suite with SDRplay Panadapter support has been released

Tom, VA2FSQ, author of the popular Win4K3Suite has now released Win4Yaesu Suite and writes….

” Win4Yaesu Suite is now available at

Based on Win4K3Suite for the Elecraft radios, the software now supports the FTDX1200, FTDX3000, FTDX5000 and the FTDX9000.

Win4Yaesu Suite offers full control of the Yaesu radios above and provides connectivity with just about any third party software and hardware available.  This includes HRD Logbook and DM780, DX Lab, N1MM, FLDigi, WSJT-X, and many others.

Win4Yaesu Suite also has a built in Panadapter supporting the SDRPlay and LPPAN Panadapter.

You can see it in action here:


There is a fully functional 30 day trial available at the web site.  Be sure to follow the first few pages of the manual for installation.

Many thanks to all the beta testers that helped out!

73 Tom”

Our thanks to Tom for ensuring it works with the SDRplay RSP family.