Black Cat Systems have something useful for Medium wave DXers. Their “Carrier Sleuth”  software  provides high resolution carrier waterfalls for medium wave radio stations. It runs both on Windows and MacOS.

They write ” While you can often only hear one, or perhaps two, stations on a frequency at a time, chances are there are actually many other stations lurking on that frequency, even in the daytime. Perhaps dozens. The problem is that they are too weak to notice using normal listening techniques. There’s no audio, and even their carriers are often quite weak. But by performing very high resolution FFTs (Fast Fourier Transforms) on recordings made by SDRs (Software Defined Radios) you can extract these carriers up out of the noise and see them

…SDRs are extremely useful for the MW DXer, the entire MW band can be recorded overnight, and then examined later for stations of interest. But it can be overwhelming to go through hours of SDR I/Q recording files. The usual approach is to play the recording file back through the SDR software, looking for potentially interesting signals. This process takes hours, and you still miss things……Carrier Sleuth helps you find stations of interest. “

Go to their website for detailed information on how it works and what you get:

Hunt down those hidden MW DX signals with Carrier Sleuth